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Every fall as the colors flame into brightness on the trees and the grass fades into brown an arch nemesis of all horse lovers appear! They are evil little parasites with a thorny covering that hunt for and latch onto the lovely and the graceful. Cockleburs!! They seem to launch into the horses manes and tails and hang on for dear life so that they can travel and spread their evil throughout the world. As horse lovers we hate them.

The horses just go about life, traveling with their friends and grazing in their fields unaware of the the little snags waiting for them. They usually don't even realize they've picked up these lil issues for their hair. They often go un-noticed and they slowly pick up more and more.

Then as their care-taker and provider I find them, ask them to spend a little bit of time with me and allow me to clean them out. It may be one or two but often many have been gathered and wreaked havoc on their beautiful manes and tails. It takes time as I slowly work out one at a time. Eventually returning all their beauty unhindered by the burdens of cockleburs.

Aren't we the same way?

Often traveling through life not realizing, not paying attention that we are slowly pickup up small issues. Little parasites that are jumping on, one at a time and tangling us up? What is the answer? Jesus is our groomer. We must spend time with Him each day and ask Him to help us. We must let Him reveal the little cockleburs and as we repent He cleans them right out. He never pulls our hair. He never wants to leave them there to build up and create a mess, but the only way to stay the beauty that He desires is to allow Jesus to work on us on a daily basis.

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